harry !!, one direction and solo, animals, harry potter, fries, sushi, helping people out, music, sea, books ☼


disrespect, racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia, whoever doesn't respect pronouns, slanders, ignorance, prejudices

→ use the roman numerals to navigate this carrd!

remember to read the BYF part… enjoy the carrd <3


my little baby


louis !!


if something is wrong with my profile or makes you uncomfortable, just text me and i'll try to fix everything that might be wrong, otherwise just don’t follow me
if you just need to talk with someone, i'm here for you! however, i am not a therapist, and if you need deeper help i don’t think i’d be able to give you professional advice
remember: the boys and me are so so proud of you! please, don't you ever give up. i love you so much and a lot of people support you just the way you are!